


P-3-66 Hiramatsu, K., E. Ichion, T. Kawachi and J. Takeuchi; Methods to Identify Non-Point Contamination Flux to Groundwater - Comparison of Properties of ANN, LGA and IGA Methods -, Journal of Rainwater Catchment Systems, Vo.6, No.2, pp.1-5, 2000
P-3-65 Maeda, S., T. Kawachi, A. Kumar, T. Maruyama and S. Matsumura; GIS-Aided Zoning of Natural Groundwater Recharge Potential in Yasu River Basin, Japan, Journal of Rainwater Catchment Systems, Vo.6, No.2, pp.15-20, 2000
P-3-64 Mridha, M. A .K., M. A. Fazal, M. H. Rashid, T. Kawachi and K. H. Talukder; Assessment of Groundwater Quality for Irrigation Use in Jamalpur and Sherpur Districts of Bangladesh, Journal of Rainwater Catchment Systems, Vo.6, No.1, pp.5-12, 2000
P-3-63 Kawacih, T. and S. Maeda; Robust Optimization Model for Water Quality Management in River Systems, Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Vol.76, Ser.B, No.8, pp.112-117, 2000
P-3-62 Maeda, S., T. Kawachi and H. Okumura; Decision Support Model for Managing River Water Quality under Uncertainty, 4th International Conference, Hydroinformatics 2000, 23-27 July, 2000, Cedar Rapids, IA, USA, Paper DS-1, p.28 (Abstract Volume), Preprints on CD-ROM
P-3-61 Yangyuoru, M., J. W. Oteng, T. Kawachi, D. Acquah and C. Oti-Boateng; Irrigation Indicators of Land Forms on the Vertisols of Ghana, Journal of Rainwater Catchment Systems, Vol.5, No.2, pp.45-49, 2000
P-3-60 Kumar, A., V. V .N., Murty, T. Kawachi, S. Maeda and M. A. Fazal; Runoff Simulation in Small Agricultural Watershed of Vertic Inceptisols of Indian Soils, Journal of Rainwater Catchment Systems, Vol.5, No.2, pp.39-43, 2000
P-3-59 Maeda, S., T. Kawachi and H. Okumura; Robust Optimization of River Water Quality Management, Trans. JSIDRE 207, pp.77-82, 2000
P-3-58 Unami, K., M. Munir Babar, T. Kawachi and H. Itagaki; Estimation of Diffusion and Convection Coefficients in an Aerated Hydraulic Jump, Advances in Water Resources, 23, pp.475-481, 2000
P-3-57 Itagaki, H., K. Unami and T. Kawachi; Experimental Studies on Effects of Discharge, Fall Height, and Water Depth of Downstream Tank in Aerated Flow at Weir, Journal of Rainwater Catchment Systems, Vol.5, No.1, pp.29-32, 1999
P-3-56 Unami, K, T. Kawachi, A. Hada and H. Itagaki; Flood Regulation in Reservoir Using Robust Servo Controller, Journal of Rainwater Catchment Systems, Vol.5, No.1, pp.19-22, 1999
P-3-55 Fazal, M.A., K. Hiramatsu, T. Kawachi and and H. Itagaki; Determination of Optimal Discharge of a Leaky Phreatic Aquifer Using Finite Element Method and Gnetic Algorithm, Trans. JSIDRE, 204, pp.1-12, 1999
P-3-54 板垣 博・平松 研・竹内潤一郎・河地利彦;遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いた貯水池群管理,農業土木学会論文集,203, pp.39-44, 1999
P-3-53 Kawachi, T. and S. Maeda; Water Pollution Control in Stream Network by Finite Element and Linear Programming Method, Proc. of the Japan Academy, Vol.75(B), No.6, pp.138-143
P-3-52 Fazal, M.A., T.Kawachi, K. Hiramatsu and F. Dolezal; Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport Simulation for Aquifer Management in Comilla Region, Bangladesh, Journal of Rainwater Catchment Systems, Vol.4, No.2, pp.1-7, 1999
P-3-51 Unami, K., T. Kawachi, H. Okumura and S. Nakanishi; Robust Servo Control of Open Channel Network Flows, Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements IX, edited by Carlomagno, G.M. and C.A. Brebbia, WIT Press, pp.241-248, 1999
P-3-50 Unami, K., T. Kawachi, M. Munir Babar and M. Itagaki; A Two-Dimensional Numerical Model of Spillway Flow, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol.125,No.4, pp.369-375, 1999
P-3-49 Hiramatsu, K., T. Kawachi and Y. Nada; Side-View Modelling of Dissolved Oxygen in Thermally Stratified Reservoirs, Trans.JSIDRE, 199, pp.9-16, 1999
P-3-48 Hiramatsu, K., T. Kawachi, E. Ichion and Y. Nada; A Modified Side-View Model for Thermal Analysis in Man-Made Reservoirs, Trans.JSIDRE, 199, pp.1-8, 1999
P-3-47 Pazira, E., J. Vaziri, A. Keshavars and T. Kawachi; Practical Evaluation of Soil Desalinization Models (A case study, Iran), Proc. of the International Agricultural Engineering Conference, Vol.II, pp.648-655, 1998
P-3-46 Unami, K., S. Nakanishi and T. Kawachi; Robust Control of Reservoir Release Discharge Using Precipitation Data, Journal of Rainwater Catchment Systems, Vol4., No.1, pp.51-56, 1998
P-3-45 Maruyama, T. and T. Kawachi; Evaluation of Rainfall Characteristics Using Entropy, Journal of Rainwater Catchment Systems, Vol.4, No.1, pp. 7-10, 1998
P-3-44 Fazal, M. A., T. Kawachi, K. Hiramatsu and E. Ichion; Determination of Well Efficiency Using Genetic Algorithm, Journal of Rainwater Catchment Systems, Vol.4, No.1, pp.1-6, 1998
P-3-43 Hiramatsu, K., T. Kawachi, Y. Nada and H. Kim; Side-View Modelling for Water Quality Forecast in a Reservoir, Hydrodynamics, Theory and Applications, pp.587-592, UIAM Publishers, 1998
P-3-42 Fazal, M.A., K.Hiramatsu, T. Kawachi and E. Ichion; Estimation of Aquifer Transmissivity and Storage Coefficient by Applying Genetic Algorithm to Theis Model, Trans.JSIDRE, 195, pp.113-121, 1998
P-3-41 Munir Babar, M., K. Unami, T. Kawachi and M. Itagaki; Estimation of Structure of Air Entrained Flow in a Spillway Chute, Trans. JSIDRE. , 197, pp.79-84, 1998
P-3-40 Kim, H., T. Kawachi, K. Hiramatsu and Y. Yoshitake; Fuzzy Rule-based Relaxation in Steady State Unconfined Groundwater Flow Computations, Trans. JSIDRE, 196, pp.117-124, 1998
P-3-39 Fazal, M.A., T. Kawachi and K. Hiramatsu; Groundwater Flow Simulation and Tubewell Zoning in Comilla Region, Bangladesh, Jour. Rural and Environment Engineering, No.34, pp.55-66, 1998
P-3-38 Fazal,M.A., T. Kawachi, K. Hiramatsu, F. Dolezal and M. H. Rashid; Numerical Simulation of Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport in Comilla Region Aquifer, Bangladesh, Proc. Joint Intl. Conf. on Agril. Engg. & Tech Vol.I; 204-215, 1997
P-3-37 Hantae, K., T. Kawachi, K. Hiramatsu and Y. Yoshitake; Iterative Solutions of Salinity Intrusion Problems in Confined Coastal Groundwater, Trans. JSIDRE, No.188, pp.103-109, 1997
P-3-36 Fujihara, M, T. Kawachi and G. Oohashi; Physical-biological Coupled Modelling for Artificially Generated Upwelling, Trans.JSIDRE, 189, pp.67-79, 1997
P-3-35 Unami, K., T. Kawachi, M. Yangyuoru and T. Hasegawa; Reliability of Steady Surface Profile in an Irrigation Canal, Jour. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE, Vol.123, pp.13-18,1997
P-3-34 Fujihara, M., G. Ohashi and T. Kawachi; A Numerical Model of Phytoplankton Distribution Upwelled by Man-made Structures, Hydrodynamics/Theory and Applications, Vol.2 (edited by Chwang, A.T., et al.),, A.A.Balkema, pp.1033-1038, 1996
P-3-33 Hiramatsu, K., T. Kawachi, H. Kurimoto, F. MD. Abul and M. Fukatsu; Numerical Estimation of Water Polluting Points Using Neural Networks, Hydrodynamics/Theory and Applications, Vol.2 (edited by Chwang, A.T., et al.), A.A.Balkema, pp.1069-1074, 1996
P-3-32 Hiramatsu, K., T. Kawachi, H. Kim and Y. Yoshitake; Polynomial Finite Element Solution of 3-D Density Driven Currents Using the Velocity Correction Method, TRans.JSIDRE, 185, pp.23-30, 1996
P-3-31 Unami, K., T. Kawachi, K. Kawakatsu and T. Maruyama; Analytical Approach to Maximization of Reservoir Reliability, Trans.JSIDRE, 185, pp.81-86, 1996
P-3-30 Kawachi, T., M. Yangyuoru, K. Unami and H. Itagaki; Modelling Steady Flow in Open Channel Networks with Sudden Transitions, Trans.JSIDRE, 185, pp.93-98, 1996
P-3-29 Unami, K., T.Kawachi, K. Kawakatsu and T. Maruyama; A Decision Support Model for Reservoir Management Model Using the Fokker-Plank Equations, Proc. Int. Conf. Water Resources and Environment Research : towards 21th Century, Vol.2, pp.191-198, 1996
P-3-28 Unami, K., T. Kawachi, H. Okumura and K. Hiramatsu; Numerical Model of Pseudo Steady Flows in Estuarine Open Channel Networks Using Finite Volume and Finite Element Methods, Finite Volumes for Complex Applications : Problems and Perspectives, Roland Vilsmeier, pp.563-570, 1996
P-3-27 宇波耕一・河地利彦・川勝健一;マルコフ過程モデルを用いた貯水池信頼性の解析,水文・水資源学会誌,Vol.9, No.4, pp.315-319
P-3-26 Unami, K., T. Kawachi and M. Yangyuoru; Optimal Control of Open Channel Unsteady Flow Governed by Partial Differential Equation, Trans.JSIDRE, 181, pp.49-56, 1996
P-3-25 Fujihara, M. and T. Kawachi; An Adaptation of Diagnostic Numerical Model of Residual Current to Bungo Channel, Japan, Trans.JSIDRE, 180, pp.75-84, 1995
P-3-24 Unami,K., T. Kawachi and M. Yangyuoru; Adjoint Problem of Unsteady Open Channel Flows, Computer Methods and Water Resources III, Comp. Mech.Publ., pp.41-48, 1995
P-3-23 藤原正幸・河地利彦;診断モデルによる8月の豊後水道における残差流シミュレーション,海岸工学論文集,第42巻,土木学会,pp.391-395, 1995
P-3-22 Fujihara, M. and T. Kawachi; Kinematic Eddy Viscosity Coefficients in Residual Current Equations with Tidal Stress, Trans.JSIDRE(Original Paper), 176, pp.113-120, 1995
P-3-21 喜多威知郎・北村邦彦・河地利彦・金 翰泰;決定論的なDDDPを用いた貯水池群における最適貯水量調整,農業土木学会論文集(研究論文),第174号,pp.33-39, 1994
P-3-20 Kawachi, T., M. Yangyuoru, K. Hiramatsu, K. Unami and T. Hasegawa; A Finite Element Model of Steady Regulated Flow in Open Channel Networks, Trans.JSIDRE(Original Paper), 173, pp.59-69,1994
P-3-19 Kawachi, T., K. Unami, T. Hasegawa and M. Yangyuoru; Optimum Control of Discharge Alterations in Irrigation Canals Using The Pontryagin Principle of Maximum, Trans.JSIDRE(Original Paper), 172, pp.17-27, 1994
P-3-18 鳥井清司;水資源と農業環境,システム農学,Vol.9, No.1, pp.49-56, 1993
P-3-17 Unami, K., I. Minami and T. Kawachi; Theoretical Scope to Reservoir System Operations, Jour. Int. Rain. Catch. Sys., Vol.1, No.2, pp.30-32, 1993
P-3-16 Makita, M., I. Minami, T. Kawachi and T. Katayama; Water Quality Management in the Thai-Estuary, Jour. Int. Rain. Catch. Sys., Vol.1, No.2, pp.11-13, 1993
P-3-15 Kawachi, T., K. Hiramatsu, T. Hasegawa and M. Makita; Three Dimensional Finite Element Modelling of Thermal Stratification in Shallow Waters, Trans.JSIDRE(Original Paper),168, pp.87-95, 1993
P-3-14 Hiramatsu, K., I. Minami and T.K awachi; Discharge Modelling of a Large Scale River System, Jour. Int. Rain. Catch. Sys., Vol.1, No.1, pp.19-21, 1993
P-3-13 Yangyuoru, M., I. Minami and T. Kawachi; Rainwater in W/Africa from the Perspective of Ghana, Jour. Int. Rain. Catch. Sys., Vol.1, No.1, pp.9-12, 1993
P-3-12 鳥井清司・奥村博司・加納 敬・田中雅史;「水理実験における計測制御の自動化」,農業土木学会誌,60(5), pp.403-408, 1992
P-3-11 鳥井清司・星  仰;「衛星によるチャオプラヤー河口地帯の土地被覆変化」,農業土木学会誌,60(2), pp.127-132, 1992
P-3-10 Kawachi, T., M. Ban and K. Hiramatsu; 3-D Finite Element Simulation of Saltwater Intrusion in an Estuarine Barrage, Hydraulic and Environmental Modelling : Estuarine and River Waters, edited by Falconer,R. et al., Ashgate Publ. Co., pp.201-212, 1992
P-3-09 Hiramatsu, K., I. Minami and T. Kawachi; Large-Scale Analysis of River Discharge System, Proc. IRCSA Regional Conference, Vol.3, Int. Rain. Catch. Sys. Associ., Kyoto, pp.949-958, 1992
P-3-08 喜多厳知郎・南  勲;複合連結型貯水池群における貯水量の調整について 貯水池群システムの運用に関する研究(U)農業土木学会論文集(研究論文),第162号,pp.59-66, 1992
P-3-07 本影一郎・南  勲;琵琶湖周辺地域における地下水について 内部境界をもつ計算領域内における地下水変動の陰形式差分法による解析,農業土木学会論文集,第159号,pp.9-16, 1992
P-3-06 喜多威知郎・南  勲;並列連結型貯水池群における貯水量の調整について 貯水池群システムの運用に関する研究(T),農業土木学会論文集,第157号,pp.1-10, 1992
P-3-05 Kawachi, T.; Three-Dimensional Finite Element Model of Density-Stratified Flow Using Depth-Dependent Polynomial Basis Functions, Trans.JSIDRE, 156, pp.93-100, 1991
P-3-04 徐 榮済・河地利彦;河口湖による水資源開発,大韓土木學會誌,Vol.39,No.5 (韓国語),pp.9-16, 1991
P-3-03 Kawachi, T. and H. Itagaki; An Iterative Finite-Element Model for Simulating Unsteady Flow in Open Channel Networks with Flow-Control Structures, Proc. 24th IAHR Congress, Int. Associ. Hydr. Res., Madrid, pp.D301-D310, 1991
P-3-02 Koontanakulvong, S. and T. Kawachi; Finite Element Technique for Simulating Time-Dependent Salinity Intrusion in Chao Phraya River, Agricultures International, FIIA(Found. Int. Inst. Agric.), No.1, pp.123-127, 1991
P-3-01 Kawachi, T., B. J. Cho, I. Minami and K. S. Yoon; Finite Element Long-Term Analysis of the Salt water Exclusion Process in an Estuarine Reservoir, Jour. Irri. Engng. & Rural Plan., No.20, pp.18-32, 1991


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